Ku band – Rx Antenna and Downconverter

Ku band- RX Antenna & Downconverter   Antenna Project Description The “DW0146_103” is an active antenna developed under a programme of and funded by the European Space Agency (ASTREA project). It provides great signal because has typically 20dBi...

VDE-S payload

VDE-S payload VOCS project description VOCS is a platform implementing a VDES Half Duplex RF front-End for CubeSats (nanosat, microsat) with dedicated Tx and Rx Radio front-end, for Half-Duplex and potentially Full-Duplex operations. VDE-SAT standard is a VHF data...

TEnSIL – Traffic and EnviroNment Simulator Iot over Leo satellite

TEnSIL - Traffic and EnviroNment Simulator for Iot via Leo satellite The purpose of  TEnSIL is to estimate the performance of the aggregate traffic focusing in particular on the Return Link (Terminal to Satellite communication). The goals that TEnSIL aim to achieve...

SDR and GNU Radio Applications

SDR e Applicazioni GNU Radio The expansion of new communication methods led to the develop of software-defined radio (aka SDR) technology that permit to adapt radio systems without perform physically changes on the hardware. SDR forum, in collaboration with Institute...

DWBPF400 – SAW filters –

DWBPF400 – Band Pass Filters – The DWBPF400 is a very small module that filter the input signal centered @ 400MHz. Main Features Band Pass Filter SAW type @ 400 MHz Low-loss RF filter for remote control receivers Balanced and unbalanced operation possible...